Cartridge, 50sqft, 3"ot, 3"ob, 7", 14-3/16", PB : PC-1235

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Cartridge, 50sqft, 3"ot, 3"ob, 7", 14-3/16", PB

Product details

Cartridge, 50sqft, 3"ot, 3"ob, 7", 14-3/16", PB Point Bonded is a uniformly bonded media. Reduced pore size distribution offers quick cleaning and superior dirt holding capacity with lower pressure and higher flow. NOTE: Filters may come with either Blue or Gray end caps. Application: Hayward, StaRite/Pentair Bottom Physical Dimension: 3" Bottom Style: Open Diameter: 7" Length: 14-3/16" Media Type: Point Bonded Model: PRC-50 Above Ground, Super StarClear C-2000 (4 Req), SwimClear C-2020 (4 Req)Square Footage: 50 sq ftTop Physical Dimension: 3"Top Style: Open Replaces 390727,FC-1235,FC-3415,PLE-051-9299,


Specific references

  • MPN: PC-1235

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